Snooze or Lose: Your Baby's Monthly Sleep Development Guide

Hey, new parents! Are you wondering what to expect when it comes to your baby's sleep development?
As your little one grows and develops, so do their sleep patterns. Here's what you need to know about your baby's sleepy journey, broken down by month:
Month 1: Sleep Like a Baby... Because You Are One!
For the first month of life, your baby is still adjusting to the outside world and may spend most of their time dozing off. Most of this sleep will happen in short spurts of two to four hours, as newborns need to eat frequently.
Month 2: Keep Calm and Carry on Sleeping
By the second month, your baby may start sleeping for longer stretches at night, but expect more daytime sleeping as well. The average sleep time for babies at this stage is around 14 to 17 hours a day.
Month 3: Hello, Circadian Rhythm!
When your baby reaches three months old, they may start to develop more predictable sleep patterns. That's because their internal clock, or circadian rhythm, is starting to take shape. During the day, your baby will likely have around four naps, with longer stretches of sleep at night.
Month 4: Deep Sleeps and Catnaps
At four months, your baby may be transitioning away from the newborn sleep pattern and moving towards deeper sleep cycles. However, they may still have shorter naps during the day, so don't expect them to snooze for long periods yet.
Month 5: The Dawn Patrol
By the fifth month, your baby may start waking up earlier in the morning, and taking shorter naps during the day. However, they may also sleep longer chunks at night, making it easier for them (and you!) to get a good night's sleep.
Month 6: Sleep Regression, Oh No!
At six months old, your baby may experience a sleep regression period, where they may wake up more frequently at night or have trouble falling asleep. This is normal and can last for a few weeks, so hang in there!
Month 7+: Sleeping Like a Pro
As your baby continues to develop, they should start to sleep longer stretches at night and take longer, fewer naps during the day. By the time they reach 12 months old, most babies will have established a predictable sleep schedule.
The Bottom Line
While every baby is different and may have their own unique sleep development journey, these guidelines can help you understand what to expect. Be patient, and remember to prioritize healthy sleep habits, like having a consistent bedtime routine and sticking to a regular sleep schedule. So, get that nightlight ready and don't forget your lullabies – your baby's sleepy journey is just beginning!