You're now creating the miracle of life - a tiny little baby is inside you.
It all started when you see that second line show up - suddenly everything feels very different.
As a amazing as it is, it can also be scary. That's totally normal.
Here's a list of 5 things I wish I knew at the start of my first pregnancy, to hopefully help relieve any anxiety;
1. Change is normal
A lot is happening both mentally and physically and so try to embrace it. Listen to your body. Hungry? Eat. Tired? Sleep. You get the point.
Just don't get worked for feeling a certain way and try to keep your friends and family close during this time. Don't be scared to ask for help or call your midwife if you have any concerns.
2. Not all pregnancies are the same
My sister was pregnant three months before me while my two best friends were both well into their second trimester. We couldn't help but compare ourselves to each other.
What I learned is quite simple - every mother to be has their own experience and you should not get down if it seems you're having a tougher time with it.
3. Enjoy the ride, the highs and the lows
It's probably feels pretty close to impossible to try and enjoy yourself when you're constantly nauseous or tired but try to always remember what you're in the process of creating inside you. A miracle if there ever was one!
Remember it will very soon be a memory and you want to make the most out of your experience and so make sure you try your best to make the most of the highs.
4. Stress is not all bad
Don't stress about being stressed. It'll just make things worse. It's okay to feel stressed - of course too much of anything is bad, but you're strong and totally capable of handling any stress.
Some research also shows that a little bit of stress can be good for the baby.
Just remember, you completely want to avoid having high levels of stress for long periods of time. If you are, make sure you speak to your midwife about it.
5. It really can be fun
Enjoy yourself! Think positive! Just think you're months away from holding your baby in your arms - this thought helped me really enjoy my pregnancy.
Also, milk it! Don't be afraid to lean on your friends, family and significant other. It's your time to be pampered - just remember, baby comes first!
If there's anything you wish you knew at the start of your pregnancy, please let us know in the comments below.